Get ready to push the boundaries of industrial automation! With our Global Thingkathon, we’re taking co-innovation to the next level. At various locations around the globe, we’ll simultaneously test and validate real-world use cases on the Smart Systems Hubs Manufacturing-X Testbed. Together with our international network of partners, we aim to explore feasibility, identify potential, and bring groundbreaking solutions to life. Join us on this journey to shape the future of manufacturing!
The Challenge
How can we create an open and interconnected platform for the industry and how can we make use of the data collected and shared?
This Thin[gk]athon, which is organized by the Smart Systms Hub, is meant to provide an opportunity to explore the possibilites of shared Data in the context of Manufacturing-X. What can it be used for and how can we implement possible solutions?
Key Objectives of Manufacturing-X - Resilience, Sustainability, Trust
Digital Ecosystem: Building a digital environment that connects various stakeholders in the industry process.
Data Consistency: Ensuring consistent data management across different producing companies for engineering, device information, and condition monitoring.
Sustainability: Promoting sustainable practices through CO2 footprint management, energy efficiency, and circular economy solutions.
Interoperability: Maintaining compatibility between different data spaces within the manufacturing domain.
Real digitization challenge
2 days dedicated to hacking in teams
Access to technologies, companies & experts
Onboarding to the Manufacturing-X Testbed
Smart Systems Hub

Discover, develop and get started: Become part of our Thin[gk]athon!
Your visions have the potential to shape a new standard for the manufacturing industry and make a valuable contribution to the global challenge in the manufacturing sector - from maximizing efficency to increasing sustainability.
Are you ready to share your ideas and actively shape the future of Manufacturing?
We guarantee professional and methodological support throughout the entire duration of the event. Access to technology experts (platform, web, UI), challenge owners (technical expertise, use cases) and support from coaches is guaranteed.
For two Days you will have the chance to develop your idea in a cross-industry team and present your solution.

The Thin[gk]athon will take place at the week from 10th to 13th June. Please note that there are different time slots for each location.
Chemnitz: 10.06.-11.06.2025 at die.fabrik Chemnitz
⇾ Zwickauer Strasse 145 · 09116 ChemnitzHamburg: 10.06.-11.06.2025 at Digital Hub Logistics Hamburg
⇾ St. Annenufer 2 · 20457 HamburgDresden: 10.06.-11.06.2025 ⇾ location tba.
Leipzig: 12.06.-13.06.2025 at Neues Rathaus Leipzig
⇾ Martin-Luther-Ring 4-6 · 04109 Leipzigother locations: tba.
virtual oparticipation: tba.

You can apply as a team or individually. The teams consist of 4-6 people. Individual registrations are organised into teams on site. We are looking for participants with ideas and energy, with attention to detail and who enjoy teamwork.
You have ideas and energy, are you curious and enjoy teamwork? Register now!
When you book, we will reserve you a ticket for the Thin[gk]athon. The number of places is limited. We want to ensure as diverse a field of participants as possible, which is why we reserve the right to prioritize registrations from different fields of knowledge.
In order to guarantee the quality of the event, we reserve the right to postpone the event if the number of participants is too low. The minimum number of participants is three teams. We will then inform you in good time whether the event will take place as planned.

Director Cloud & Technology Architecture / Manufacturing-X Expert
Any Questions? Get in Contact with us!
- Real challenge with room for creativity
- Support from coaches and technical & specialised experts
- Free participation incl. food and drinks
- 2 days of hacking in a team
- Lots of opportunities to learn new things

Challenge details
Experience the technical core of the Manufacturing-X projects hands-on
Onboard your data to a Dataspace
Share data with your business partners in a secure and sovereign manner
Bring your own API and consume others for your end-to-end scenario.
With technological onboarding, available development infrastructure and methodical support, we want to show what is possible wihtin the Manufactruing-X Space.
Innovative concept: Your solution should be unique and have a clear link to manufacturing.
Technical practicability: The concept must be technically realisable.
Proof of benefit: Demonstrate how your solution contributes to the key objectives of Manufacturing-X. This should be supported by concrete data and possible metrics.
Economic consideration: Analyse the economic feasibility of your solution. Consider the costs of implementation and operation as well as the expected ROI (return on investment), taking sustainability into account.
Presentation: Your concept should be presented in a clear and convincing presentation that includes technical details as well as the sustainable and economic benefits.
Participant Profiles
Software developers and IT engineers
System architects
Data scientists
Production engineers
Digitization managers
Hands-on mentality
Creative problem solvers
Digitization enthusiasts
Communicative team players
Framework conditions
The challenge lasts 2 days, starting with an introductory event at which the participants form their teams and receive the task.

Director Cloud & Technology Architecture / Manufacturing-X Expert
Shape the future with us
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