ENABLING IOT – think big, start small, be fast
Welcome to Europe’s largest innovation hub for the Internet of Things
More than 40% of European enterprises believe that digital innovations are the most important success factor.
That is why we accelerate the transformation of leading IoT-technologies into innovative products and services.
Therefore we trust on Europe’s largest number of (I)IoT solution partners in our network and a proven co-innovation methodology.
We are a centre of digital excellence and part of the Digital Hub Initiative.
Our partners power the mission
Be ahead of the curve
Once, the innovation process has started, companies see the immediate effects on their businesses.
Satisfaction with IoT projects
● very satisfied
● satisfied
● rather satisfied
When success occurs
● immediately
● after 4 to 8 weeks
● after 3 months
How success becomes visible
● increase in productivity
● less downtime / higher capacity utilization
● costreduction
Source: Study „Internet of Things“, IDG Research Services, 2018
smart systems made easy
Teaming up for the digital transformation
We rethink innovation and guide you through the entire innovation process – from brainstorming to the first prototype to the implementation of a complete solution.
No matter what challenge you are facing – with our specially developed formats we have the right answer for every phase of the innovation process. Together we develop ideas and tailor-made solutions for you.
To ensure your business success, we support you at all levels.
We share methodological knowledge, provide access to experts and professionals and support you in making strategic decisions.
Co-innovation instead of competition – in our steadily growing community, we combine expertise across industries and bring together experts and decision-makers.
In various formats, we create space for exchange, work together on solutions and learn from each other.
of companies rely on external partners for IoT solutions
Power for your Iot Project
We are Europe’s largest One-Stop-Shop for IoT
· Accelerator of innovation processes
· Knowledge of relevant technologies and their integration
· 500 relevant solution partners
· located in the microelectronics heart of Europe
· Consulting, training, knowledge transfer
· Concepts, prototypes, digital business models
· To reference solutions, experts, startups and reseach institutes
· Manufacturer-independent consulting
· Platform solutions
· Customer-focused and individual processes
· Agil und cost effective methodology
There is no other location in Germany where you will find a comparable concentration of expertise in the IoT sector – from start-ups to local medium-sized companies and renowned research institutes.
Christoph Westerwelle |
Head of Industry Management Infrastructure, PHOENIX CONTACT
Expand market position
- Get access to market & consumer trends
- Initiate projects and partnerships
- be part of a cross-industry exchange
- Get access to startups & ecosystem
Drive innovation
- Stay competitive
- Receive innovation impulses
- Optimize processes & production
- Develop new business models
- Get access to technologies, start-ups & ecosystem
- Develop future markets
Accelerate growth
- Apply your solution
- Participate in innovation processes
- Exploite financing potentials
- Extend network
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the Digital Product Factory was a great success for Infineon. A Minimum Viable Product was created in a relatively short time. Due to the high quality of the result, consisting of our sensor hardware as well as connectivity and software elements, we decided to further develop the MVP for an early market launch.
Uwe Gäbler |
Director Infineon Development Center Dresden
Hub partner
… profits from demonstrator projects and the application of microelectronic components
… relies on our expertise for innovative and market-ready solutions in the Digital Product Factory.
… gets access to promising start-ups in the hub – at the location and throughout Germany.
… profits from our projects for the networking of intelligent, digital systems of industry 4.0.
… relies on our expertise in IIoT and encouraging young talents in various Thin[gk]athons.
Knowledge & technology transfer from science to economy in the field of 5G
600 scientists from research areas
Supporting young deep-tech-companies with building structure and expansion
6,000 European deep-tech Startups
3,000 international investors and corporates
One of the largest branch associations for microelectronics and ICT
networks more than 350 members of all technology fields
power through cooperation
The Hub as a part of the big picture
Digitization “Made in Germany”
On the initiative of the digital association Bitkom, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK) has designated 12 locations of excellence throughout Germany as Digital Innovation Hubs. They form a strong network that enables the exchange of technological and economic expertise, programmes and ideas. At each Digital Hub, start-ups, companies and research come together to find joint answers to the challenges and opportunities of digitalisation. In innovation programmes, accelerators and incubators, new solutions are developed for industry-relevant fields – from artificial intelligence to mobility and smart infrastructure.
EDIH Saxony
European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) are one-stop shops supporting companies to respond to digital challenges and become more competitive. By providing access to technical expertise and testing, as well as the possibility to ‚test before invest‘, EDIHs support companies to improve business/production processes, products, or services using digital technologies. They also provide innovation services, such as financing advice, training, and skills development that are central to successful digital transformation. Environmental issues are also taken into account, in particular with regard to the use of digital technologies for sustainability and circularity.
5G Opera
The goal of the main project 5G-OPERA is to build a Franco-German ecosystem for private 5G networks under the joint leadership of TU Dresden and EURECOM (Sophia Antipolis). The project focuses on the idea of open hardware, software and interfaces so that multiple providers can participate in the technical equipment of private 5G networks and user needs can be flexibly realized. The overall goal of the project is to ensure that the hardware and software of all project partners can work together technically, independently of the respective manufacturer.
Supported by:
Drivers for artificial intelligence
Within the framework of AI4Germany, leading initiatives in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) join forces to actively support the local economy and society in Germany in the application of Artificial Intelligence – and thus accompany Germany into the AI age.